When jumping into a booming housing market, it’s easy to get caught up in the adrenaline rush of bidding wars. 在市场紧张的时候出价很容易让你的预算最大化,最终得到一个你不喜欢的房子,或者最终花的钱比你想象的要多. How do you avoid home buyer’s remorse?
通过买房进入房地产市场可以是一个很好的方式来增加你的净资产和投资你的未来. 与 租金成本迅速上升 showing no signs of slowing down, 在利率更高之前买房可能是个好主意.
美国本土盾® can help you navigate the real estate market with helpful first-time homebuyer tips and suggestions on how to avoid buyer’s remorse on a house.
1. Don’t skip the house inspection.
在一个 卖方市场, 通常情况下,房屋检查是避免击败其他报价,加快房屋销售过程. 然而,放弃检查可能会为买家的后悔房困境铺平道路. 事实上, 许多房主在大流行期间采取了这一步骤,购买了未见就购买的房屋 后悔这.
Sometimes getting a home inspection just isn’t doable—we get it. If this is your situation, or if you live in an area notorious for bidding wars, 确保你手头有足够的钱来解决一旦你搬进来可能会发现的任何问题.
2. Always view the house in person.
十年前, 这个概念似乎是显而易见的:谁会在他们没有亲眼见过的东西上投资数十万美元呢? 如今,像视频聊天和Zoom这样的现代技术可能会让人感觉不那么冒险.
While virtual tours are convenient, especially if you’re buying a house out of state, viewing the home through your phone screen really doesn’t cut it. When exploring the house, you’ll want to be able to view the nooks and crannies, use your nose to smell any odors, and try to glimpse things like mildew and dampness.
Plus, you’ll want to experience the feel of the home. 通常,当你走进一间房子的时候,你就会知道它是否是一个潜在的家. 你最不想要的就是成交一套房子,然后一跨过门槛就后悔买房.
3. Don’t look at houses that are at the top of your budget.
仔细阅读 房地产应用 is a great pastime, even if you’re not in the market for a new home. It’s fun to look at photos of seaside mansions and mountain escapes, dreaming of living in one after hitting the lottery. 一旦你开始认真地看,你应该设置过滤器,以避免看到你负担不起的东西. 这可能会避免一些心碎,并帮助你避免购房者的悔恨.
In some real estate markets, 房屋的售价比要价高出数千甚至数十万美元. 看超出预算的房子只会达到以下两种效果之一:
你最好在房地产应用程序上设置一个低于预算的过滤器,并告诉你的房地产经纪人你不想超过一定的金额. It will help ensure you don’t regret buying a house you can’t afford.
Read our suggestions for first-time homeowners managing bills, 了解更多关于 first-time homebuyer tax benefits.
4. Write down your dealbreakers.
When house hunting, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. 看完一家又一家的房子后,你可能会变得不耐烦,决定在一些事情上达成一致. This is rather common—unless you’re extremely lucky, 完美的家很少, 你可能不得不放弃你的房屋清单上的一些项目.
然而,如果你放弃了太多的必需品,你可能会经历购房者的悔恨焦虑. To avoid this, make a written list of the dealbreakers. Here are some things to consider:
把清单上的项目按优先顺序排列,这样当你看房子的时候, 你可以参考列表并记住哪些项目是最重要的.
听起来是个计划. Find the warranty that fits you best.
5. 当心那些需要修理的人.
如果你想拥有自己的房子已经有一段时间了,但还没有找到你梦想中的房子, 你可能会考虑 房子家. Before buying a house that needs remodeling, it’s important to consider a few facts to avoid home buyer’s regret.
买一套待修房屋可以让你把它改造成你梦想中的房子. Just be aware of the potential pitfalls before you put in an offer.
6. Keep an eye out for flipped homes.
作为第一次买房的人,你想知道如何避免后悔吗? First, be aware of the signs that a house has been flipped. When looking for real estate, study the selling history. 如果是一年前买的,然后再放回市场,这可能是翻转.
Not all flipped homes are bad; however, their quality and craftmanship can vary wildly. 翻转房屋的质量取决于翻转者的技巧、技巧和道德. If you decide to invest in a flipped home, hire a well-reviewed inspector with a lot of experience, 如果他们建议专门的检查员进行后续调查,一定要采取行动.
这里还有更多 things to consider when buying a flipped house.
7. Protect yourself with a home warranty.
365beat中文版? 这是一项你可以负担得起的投资,可以帮助你支付维修系统和电器的费用. Unlike homeowner’s insurance, 当您的家庭系统和电器因正常磨损而损坏时,bet3365标准版有助于保护您的预算. 了解更多关于 the difference between homeowners insurance and a home warranty.
投资美国家庭盾牌®bet3365标准版可以保护您的预算,并帮助您避免购房者的悔恨, especially if you weren’t able to get an inspection. 查看bet3365标准版的 定价和计划 欲知详情.
8. Pay attention to your instincts.
当你在 买房过程, 相信自己的直觉. A little bit of stress is expected when making such a large purchase, but if something is nagging at you, don’t be afraid to take a step back and reassess.
在一个 competitive real estate market, 花太多时间提出报价可能意味着失去一处房产. 然而,冲进一个感觉不对的家并不是解决问题的办法. 如果你很快就没有房子住了,你可能不得不做出牺牲. 但, if you have time and a roof over your head, 听从你的直觉,放弃那些让你感觉不好的房子, 太贵了, or aren’t filling you with excitement.
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