If staying warm and cozy at home during cooler weather is your thing, thank your heating system. Having the right coverage can make it a lot easier to keep it up and running. Rather than panicking when you discover a covered problem, you can simply place a service request online or call 美国本土盾®.
承保项目限额为5,000美元. 然而, the covered item limit for the following types of heating systems is $1,500:乙二醇, 热水, or steam circulating heating system, any water heater which supplies heated water to such system(s), 地热 and/or water source 热泵. 美国本土盾 will cover up to $1,000 should the contractor need to cut through concrete to access any HVAC system components.
是的, all 3 of our home warranty plan options cover parts and components of heating systems up to $5,000 per unit during your 1-year agreement term. 请参阅 计划协议 for more detailed coverage information, limitations and exclusions.
All 3 of our home warranty plans cover parts and components up to $5,000 per heating unit (per 1-year agreement term) for forced air (gas, 电, 油), 地热, 壁挂式加热器, 地板上炉, 包单位, 热泵, 和更多的. 请参阅 coverage details on the page above or the 计划协议 for more information on limitations and exclusions.
是的. We cover parts and components of older systems and appliances no matter their age, 也是未知的, 先前存在的故障. You can also purchase an 美国本土盾 home warranty without an inspection or maintenance records.
If we can’t repair your covered heating system, we’ll replace it subject to your plan's $5,000 per system limit and the other limitations and exclusions included in your 计划协议.
Once your coverage begins (30 days after you sign up for your new home warranty plan) you can request service 24/7 online via MyAccount or call 1-888-691-2854 during standard business hours to request service.
Our best home warranty plan is the one that’s right for you and your home. 的 盾银 plan covers the parts and components of your key systems like your heating and cooling, 管道, 电气系统. 盾黄金 covers all of the above systems plus your laundry and kitchen appliances. 和 盾铂, you get coverage for just about everything: parts of home systems and appliances, plus premium features like roof leak repair coverage, 无限交流制冷剂, and one free HVAC Tune-up per agreement term. 没有两个家是相同的, and that’s why we have options – so you can find the plan that fits your needs.
听起来是个计划. Find the warranty that fits you best.